Job Interview: How to Make a Good Impression.

Introducing a job interview is probably one of the situations in working life, which produce more uncertainty and stress. For some more than others and depends on the current conditions in which the applicant is located. It is not the same, to run for a job interview, having a stable job, than when you are unemployed and/or financially apprehended.
Job Interview

Still, there are no ideal conditions, nor Manuals that present us with ideal questions, answers or behaviors to present a job interview. But yes, we can make a good impression and create conditions that facilitate success and get the best for the parties.

Not all Companies are for everyone and the same applies to jobs. Ideally, look for available vacancies that fit your Professional Profile, taking into account your knowledge, experience, skills, education, among others.

At the same time, a Company with which you can identify with your Corporate Securities and understands that you might feel engaged, valued and with opportunities for growth and development.

Here are some tips for a job interview that will make a good impression and make the process successful:

Work Pre-Interview:

  • Be sure to properly build your Resume or Resume (Curriculum Vitae) with reliable, clear, up-to-date and concise information on the key aspects the interviewer should know.
  • Investigate, using all possible means to the company (products and/or services, vision, mission, history, etc.).
  • Prepare a series of questions that you think is convenient to know about the position and the Company.
  • Find out the address and possible routes to get to the job interview site as punctual as possible.
  • It is always said that the first impression is what counts, so your personal presentation is important. Hairstyle, clothes and in general, all aspects that visually can attract attention.

During the Job Interview

  • The interviewer is interested in identifying their competencies and their coupling to the profile of the office,
    (a) it: always talk to the truth. In the end, this will give you security and reflect a real image of you.
  • Describe your skills and skills positively.
  • Try to listen carefully and understand the questions in the job interview, so your answer will be more in line with what is being questioned.
  • Communicate effectively and always in a positive way, the roles, activities, experience and relationships with your bosses in your previous work.
  • Regardless of how you came out of your previous work, talk honestly and refer to all the positives, beyond the negatives.
  • Even if there are negative aspects or failures, talk about them, as these impacted positively and what you gained in experience through them. The interviewer knows that as human beings we are not perfect, but what he will take into account is his response to the unexpected, the unsuccessful and the way you faced him and is facing him today.
  • According to the profile of the position, emphasize your strengths, skills, experience and knowledge, in those aspects that have direct relevance in that position. Emphasize them so that the interviewer determines their competencies regarding the position.
  • But be careful, don't overdo it by showing an image that doesn't correspond to reality because it won't be believable in the end.
  • Answer personal questions clearly and concisely. Try not to extend, or mention overly personal aspects that may inconvenience the interviewer.
  • Before you end the interview, check to see if your concerns have been resolved. This would be the time to ask the questions you think are appropriate. This will show your interest in the position.
  • If the interviewer does not mention it, it is convenient to ask about the steps to follow in the selection process. With this, you will be able to know that you are still in the process.

Within the selection process, the job interview is one of the most important steps in determining the applicant's competencies. However, it's not the only thing. In some companies they use Psychotechnical Tests, Knowledge Tests, Group Dynamics, Simulations, among others. So a good job interview could have positive impacts and thus continue with the processes that are scrupulous to fill the vacancy.

If the results of the job interview are not as expected, don't worry. That probably wasn't the position for you, keep looking for work. There is some possibility for them to consider it to fill other vacancies that are generated and can obtain a successful result.

With social media, interviewers usually distribute life sheets, so it's best to always make a good impression.

If you have any concerns or questions in which we can guide you, please contact us through our website, which we will gladly answer.

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